Saturday 12 December 2015

Evaluation of my partner

The final look that my partner created with reference to my design didn't turn out quite the way that I expected it to. We were only able to complete one practice right before the assessment, which is all I was able to do as well in all fairness. Despite this, I feel that this lack of practice did impact the final outcome of her assessment. She followed instruction really well and was very openly communicating with me however I feel that she panicked during the assessment under the pressure of a time limit and this is maybe what hindered her achieving the look the way that I wanted it. Everything was in the correct place and she understood what she needed to do however it wasn’t carried out the way that I intended it to be. The shadow wasn’t blended into the face it was more of a solid line around the heart shape. The Supra Colour I agree is difficult to work with, so it was smudged where it shouldn't have been. My lips were underlined quite roughly making then an uneven shape also. Despite this, she was lovely to work with and the work she did on the base was flawless as well as the way she had whitened the lashes I couldn't fault. I would work with her again without a doubt and maybe if I worked with her in the future I would feel more confident to give her constructive criticism. 

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