Saturday 12 December 2015

Practice of my final design

I wanted to make sure I was using the correct products for my final design so I decided to practice on myself as I can almost alway rely on me to be there on time and on form. What I concluded having conducted this practice is that there was definitely an order in which it is best to do things.

Step 1 - Prep skin, apply primer and white base, buff out and apply translucent Illamasqua powder to set.

Step 2 - Use lightest shade of grey shadow to outline the heart shape on forehead and create the shading working into the darker shades of grey and black.

Step 3 - Use the supra colour to create the heart section on fore head and then fill in the brows.

Step 4 - Apply gold to the eyes and starting with the light grey shadow and graduating to the darker shades  contour the nose and cheek bones where the heart section will be on the cheeks

Step 5 - Apply the white supra colour to the lashes.

Step 6 - Colour in the section in-between the grey shadow that you created for the black Supra colour.

Step 7 - Add the gold to the lips and then line with the black, smudging in before drying.

Step 8 - Contour the chin with the grey shadows and then highlight with the mac highlighter powder on all white areas.

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