Sunday 13 December 2015

Eye and Lip Look

During a practical with Sue we were shown how to create the perfect eye and lip look. We started by looking at eye shapes and how to assess what style of shadow is best for each eye shape. 

The products I used to create my perfect eye and lip look were: 

-Charles Fox Lipstick Palette 
-Mac Eye Shadow Pallet
-Rimmel Mascara
- MAC highlighter

Tools I used: 

-MAC medium shadow brush
-Charles Fox blending brush 
- Charles fox angled brush

After cleansing, toning and moisturising I applied a normal foundation base that I have written step by step for in a separate post on this blog. My model had almond eyes which meant that I shouldn't apply shadow above the crease of the eye but instead pull it out farther than the outer corner to flatter the shape of the eye. I started by applying a nude shade all over the lid and then the lightest shade of brown to the crease. I used a Mac eye shadow brush for this as its a preference of mine, however any eyeshadow brush will do. I then applied the darker shades of brown to the outer corner of the eye and used my blending brush to bring this out just beneath the brow bone on the outer corner. This gave a gradient effect and was flattering to the almond eye shape. I used a Rimmel volumising mascara and a disposable mascara brush to tint my models upper and lower lashes. I then applied a small amount of MAC highlighter onto the brow bone and the inner corner of the eye. 

For the lips I used a small angle brush to line to brush some vaseline onto my models lips first in order to make the lip colour application smooth and even. I used a nude colour in order to keep the focus of the final look on the eyes on not on the lips as she had quite thin lips. 

I was very happy with the way this turned out and it is definitely a look that I will be doing on myself. My model seemed very pleased with the way she looked also and even wore it home! I didn't struggle with the application and I feel that I did really well.  

Saturday 12 December 2015

Evaluation of my partner

The final look that my partner created with reference to my design didn't turn out quite the way that I expected it to. We were only able to complete one practice right before the assessment, which is all I was able to do as well in all fairness. Despite this, I feel that this lack of practice did impact the final outcome of her assessment. She followed instruction really well and was very openly communicating with me however I feel that she panicked during the assessment under the pressure of a time limit and this is maybe what hindered her achieving the look the way that I wanted it. Everything was in the correct place and she understood what she needed to do however it wasn’t carried out the way that I intended it to be. The shadow wasn’t blended into the face it was more of a solid line around the heart shape. The Supra Colour I agree is difficult to work with, so it was smudged where it shouldn't have been. My lips were underlined quite roughly making then an uneven shape also. Despite this, she was lovely to work with and the work she did on the base was flawless as well as the way she had whitened the lashes I couldn't fault. I would work with her again without a doubt and maybe if I worked with her in the future I would feel more confident to give her constructive criticism. 


I personally feel that the assignment went really well. Although I did feel quite stressed at times I do feel that I enjoyed most elements of the unit. I was successful in recreating my partners design in the time allocated and with results that I was more than pleased with, despite the fact that I had only managed to get once practice with my partner. During the exam I tried my best to look back on the practice that I did and the steps that I had taken in order for it turn out as well as it had during my trial. I thought the design that I was given to create was really well thought through and impressive. I did my best to make it look exactly like she wanted it to according to her face chart and notes and I hope she feels that I achieved that. 

My partner was only able to practice my design once before she had her assessment. I feel that she did her best however its not how the design turned out when I did it on myself and not how I imagined it to look when I had done my face chart. 

I feel that I have learnt a lot of very important skills during this unit which I will be able to apply to other units in the future as well as on design and artist jobs. Being able to create someone else's vision is something that will be probably the most valuable when working in the industry that I want to enter into. The communication side of this project has actually helped me a lot more than I thought it would, it has taught me to give constructive criticism with a solution and also to take criticism without being too sensitive about it. I think what I struggled with the most is was the organisation of my blog. Its not that I don't like writing, its just that I never feel motivated to do so, if I’m honest I quite enjoy it when I get into it. Next year I will be trying my best not to leave everything until the last minute as this was very stressful and I haven't performed as well as I feel that I could. Ultimately, I think that this topic was very interesting however I need to become more accustomed to this type of work in order to gain a better grade in future units.  

Final Images of My Assessment


References, (2015). Elizabethan Makeup 101. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2015].

Healthline, (2015). Belladonna: Remedy with a Dark Past. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2015]., (2015). [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Dec. 2015].

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Johansson, Donald. 'Color Contrasts - Hue, Value Saturation - Colors On The Web' N.p., 2015. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.,. 'Skin Disorders - Contagious And Non-Contagious'. N.p., 2015. Web. 12 Dec. 2015.
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Final Images of My Design